Student Registration Form
School Receiving Application:
Entry Date to this School:
Is English the only language spoken at home?
Are there any medical restrictions that your child faces?
Do you require bus transportation? (Complete Urban/Rural Bus Registration):
Name Used (if different from legal name):
Physical Address: (where student currently lives - if different from mailing address)
If living on an acreage or farm, please provide land location:
Permanent Address: (If different from mailing and physical address)
Origin School (Last School Attended):
Are you an exchange student?
If yes, provide name of Exchange Program:
For high school only: Are you here for hockey?
If yes, provide Team Name:
SchoolMessenger is an automated notification service which quickly delivers announcements and school or division-wide messages to students, parents, staff and school groups. Messages that may be sent out include bus cancellations, emergency situations such as a lockdown, daily attendance, etc. These messages will be directed to the Home Phone number stated in Section 1. If you prefer to be contacted at a different number, please indicate the phone number here:
Edsby will provide a way for parents and guardians to receive school updates, calendar events, view student progress and much more. It will help simplify communication among and between teachers, students, and parents. For each of your children – even if they go to different schools – you’ll see your child(s) classes, teachers, and school information. Parent/guardian email addresses are required to create the account.
IF your child’s school sends correspondence electronically, would you like to receive them through email?
Is there a custody order in place? (If yes, please provide a copy to the school)
Emergency contact:(contact preference order)
Emergency contact:(contact preference order)
Emergency contact:(contact preference order)
Emergency contact:(contact preference order)
List all siblings / step-siblings who attend a school within GSSD:
Surname(if different from student)
Emergency Contact Name (other than Guardian):
Name of Childcare Provider:
Does your child have a special need or severe or life threatening medical condition that the school should be aware of?
(Allergies, Asthma, Epilepsy, etc.)
If Yes, please provide details or comments below regarding your child that would be helpful to the school:
For rural bus students: (in case the buses do not run due to bad weather conditions, bus failure or an emergency, we require a billet home in town for your child)
Work and/or Cell Phone #:
(A SK resident is someone who owns, rents or leases a residence in SK or resides with an immediate family member who is a SK resident)
Country of Citizenship (If not Canada):
Languages spoken at home:
IMMIGRATION STATUS (choose the student’s applicable status from the list below)
Canadian Citizen (born in Canada)
Date of entry into Canada:
Date of entry into Saskatchewan:
Naturalized Canadian Citizen (wasn’t born in Canada and is granted Canadian Citizenship)
Permanent Resident (granted permission to live and work in Canada without any time limit on the stay, not yet a Canadian Citizen)
Temporary Resident (Student accompanied by parent with work permit)
Qualifies for the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) program
Student/Visitor Visa – Tuition paying student (Student who is lawfully in Canada for a temporary purpose such as work/study/visit & is not a Canadian citizen)
Refugee (seeking protection from former country)
Indigenous people are those who identify themselves to be First Nations (Registered/Treaty/Status Indian, Non-Status Indian), Métis, or Inuit/Inuk. Based on this definition, do you consider the student that you are registering to be an Indigenous person?
Which group do you belong to:
IF On Reserve, provide Reserve of Residence:
Good Spirit School Division has an Administrative Procedures Manual in place designed to be the primary written source of administrative direction for the division. These procedures provide guidelines which the division, staff and students are to follow.
We would like to bring to your attention to three (3) specific Administrative Procedures that we would ask you to review with your child in an age-appropriate manner. As all students have access to both technology and transportation services, it is very important to ensure that procedures are in place, and followed, for the safety and efficient usage of these resources.
I hereby declare that I have read and understood the information contained in the above Administrative Procedures and that the information I have provided on this Registration Form is correct. I understand it is my responsibility to inform the school of any changes to the information contained on this form.
The personal information requested on this form as part of the school registration process is collected under the authority of Saskatchewan’s Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LAFOIP) for the establishment of a student record, determination of residency, to provide students with an education program that meets their needs, to provide a safe and secure school environment, for program placement, determination of eligibility and/or suitability for provincial or federal funding, to manage problems or emergencies, for reporting and providing statistics to the Minister of Education, and for other purposes that relate directly to and are necessary for the school's operating programs and activities. This information will be managed in accordance with the privacy protection provisions of the LAFOIP Act.
We would like your consent to share information about your child.
The information that we would like your consent to share is:
- student’s first and last name, grade level and age;
- individual or group photos and video;
- art work, writing samples or other student work.
We would like your consent to share information about your child.
- school calendar, newsletter or other school publications
- honour roll, yearbook
- displays of student work in the school division
- sharing copies of photos and videos with classmates
- school division website
- congratulatory messages for graduation, academic or athletic achievement
- media interviews
- photos and video shared with the media
- displays of student work outside the school division
If we share any student information we promise to:
- check that we have your consent on file
- consider the privacy interests of your child
- balance the privacy interests of your child with the educational value for studentssharing the pride of their achievements.
Before we share any information that is not covered by this Consent, we will ask for your permission.
Please note that:
- We are required by law to share personal information of students with the Ministry of Education; and,
- in some cases we are allowed by law to share personal information of studentswith other agencies such as Health when it is in the best interest of the child.
I agree that the Good Spirit School Division may share the information of my child for the following purposes:
I understand that this consent only needs to be signed once and will cover my child for as long as my child is a student in the Good Spirit School Division.
I also understand that if I wish to withdraw my consent, I must contact the principal immediately.